The latest Sachs Media Group poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research asked what respondents would be least willing to give up for a week, given a choice between sex, smartphone, alcohol or caffeine. The poll results went viral in the weeks following release. Here’s a glance at the conversation thus far:
[<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Poll: Americans Choose Smartphones Over Sex” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Poll: Americans Choose Smartphones Over Sex</h1> <h2>The Sachs Media Group poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research asked what respondents would be least willing to give up for a week, given a choice between sex, smartphone, alcohol or caffeine.</h2> <p>Storified by <a href=””>Sachs Media Group</a>· Thu, Apr 25 2013 12:22:02</p> <div>Fbcdn</div> <div><b>Americans are twice as willing to go without sex for a week than a smartphone.</b></div> <div>Poll: Americans Choose Smartphones Over SexPoll: Americans Choose Smartphones Over Sex April 12th, 2013 | Written by: Sachs Media Group | Forty years after Motorola engineer Martin…</div> <div> <p><b>The survey highlights show:</b></p> <p>- More than twice as many respondents were willing to give up sex instead of their smart phone or caffeine; <div>- Men as a group are least likely to give up alcohol, but women by far preferred their smart phones and caffeine;</div> <div>- Men ages 18-34 are least willing to give up sex – five times less likely than women of the same age group, who favored their smart phones;</div> <div>- The older people get, the less likely they are to give up caffeine compared to the other choices;</div> <div>- The demographic most committed to their smart phones are ages 35 to 49; and</div> <div>- Democrats are least likely to part with alcohol, while Republicans prefer their smart phones. People who identify themselves as Independents have equal allegiance to caffeine and their smart phones.</div> </div> <div>Sachsmedia</div> <div><i>View infographic full size: <a href=”” class=””></a></i></div> <div>“Our poll shows that the tech revolution has changed our culture to the point that too many Americans seem to derive more pleasure and satisfaction from their smart phones and text lives than from their relationships and sex lives,” said <a href=”” class=””>Ron Sachs</a>, President and CEO of Sachs Media Group. “It’s not necessarily a good sign that smart phones rival alcohol and sex as a certain new American addiction.”</div> <div><b>The survey was covered by a variety of media outlets, including Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, CBS TechRepublic, International Business Times and GeekSugar. Here’s a sample:</b></div> <div>Sex or Your Smart Phone?"Not now, honey. I’m playing Angry Birds!" Women would rather give up sex for a week than part with their smart phone for 7 days, accordi…</div> <div>WTF: Ladies Would Rather Have Our Morning Coffee Than Evening SexOkay, ladies, what the heck is going on here? Are we, collectively, just not having good enough sex Or are we too stressed out and crazed…</div> <div>Infographic: Americans would give up sex before smartphones …Apr 13, 2013 … The following infographic, created by Sachs Media Group, shows the poll results. … Automatically sign up for our Sma…</div> <div>Sex or Smartphone: Which Could You Go Without For a Week?Smartphones are a ubiquitous accessory, even for those who don&#39;t consider themselves "techies," but have Americans adopted …</div> <div>Study: Women Would Ditch Sex or Caffeine Rather Than Their Smartphone, Men …But are they so attached to these devices that they&#39;d actually forego sex for a week before giving them up? If they&#39;re young wome…</div> <div>Sex or Smartphones: Which Would You Give Up?… to derive more pleasure and satisfaction from their smart phones and text lives than from their relationships and sex lives," Da…</div> <div>Daily Kos: Poll: More Americans Would Give Up Sex Before …Apr 12, 2013 … The Sachs Media Group poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling … for a week, given a choice between sex, smart phone, a…</div> <div>Poll: More Americans Would Give Up Sex Before Smartphone – St …Apr 12, 2013 … The Sachs Media Group poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling … for a week, given a choice between sex, smart phone, a…</div> <div>How Much Do You Love Your Smartphone? More Than Sex? (Infographic)A poll conducted by Sachs Media Group found that today&#39;s Americans are twice as willing to go without sex for a week than without the…</div> <div>Survey shows women would rather give up sex for a week than give …3 days ago … Smartphone usage is an at all-time high in most countries around the world, … And according to Sachs Media Group&#39;s…</div> <div>Caffeine and You | Coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks, caffeine …Sex, Smartphones, or Caffeine: Which Would You Give Up? … Sachs Media Group&#39;s infographic shows the results, which are excerpted …</div> <div>Techrun Technologies | BlogApr 15, 2013 … Infographic: Americans would give up sex before smartphones … These infographics, created by Sachs Media Group, show…</div> <div>Poll: Americans would give up sex before smartphones – Capital SoupApr 12, 2013 … More than twice as many respondents were willing to give up sex instead of …. Sachs Media Group this week released i…</div> <div><b>ABC News Radio shared the survey with hundreds of radio station affiliates, turning the story into a major conversation on talk shows nationwide:</b></div> <div>ABC News RadioABC News Radio. Trusted. Credible. Complete. Online. ABC News Radio is the larges radio content company in the US – reaching 74 million p…</div> <div>Americans Reluctant to Part with Their Favorite Things for a Weekkmbz</div> <div>Americans Reluctant to Part with Their Favorite Things for a WeekHomepage: Thank you for listening to KFOR – News, Weather, Sports, Traffic – 1240 AM</div> <div>Americans Reluctant to Part with Their Favorite Things for a Weekupdated 10:39 pm, April 24, 2013 (NEW YORK) You’ve heard the phrase "Give it up," but there a lot of things Americans won’t give up no ma…</div> <div><b>The study has been featured in other languages:</b></div> <div>Sex oder Smartphone? Erstaunliche Ergebnisse einer Studie.Jetzt wagte die Sachs Media Group eine Umfrage, deren Ergebnisse speziell die Herren der Schöpfung nicht sonderlich begeistern dürften. &…</div> <div>Studie: Frauen verzichten eher auf Sex als auf SmartphoneStudie: Frauen verzichten eher auf Sex als auf Smartphone. Frauen würden laut einer US-Studie eher eine Woche lang auf Sex verzichten als…</div> <div><b>Men’s Health even created its own infographic of the results:</b></div> <div>Menshealth</div> <div><b>The survey has gotten plenty of attention on social media too:</b></div> <div>1 in 3 people say they would rather give up sex than give up their smartphone.UberFacts</div> <div><i>The UberFacts tweet has received 750+ Retweets and 300+ Favorites.</i></div> <div>According to research, you’d rather give up sex for a week than sacrifice booze, caffeine or your phone:’s Health Mag</div> <div>They just asked on the news "would you rather give up your smartphone for a week or sex?"Priddy </div> <div>Would you give up your smartphone or sex for a week? Easy answer. Sex. I’ve given that up for a long while 🙂 tmi? idc.Bleacher Babe</div> <div>Sex or smartphone? A new poll found that people would rather give up sex for a week than their smartphones! So,… Milwaukee</div> <div>Coffee or sex or smartphone. Which can u give up? It’s a really interesting survey!!!lol #partyradioUSAMiyu Christina A.</div> <div>More people can’t live without a smartphone or coffee rather than sex or boozeImTakingMiami</div> <div>Just read the article from @Cosmopolitan … Would you rather give up sex, coffee, smartphone, or alcohol for a week? L.</div> <div>Sex & Culture For Adults Only-Sex or Smartphone: Which Could You Go Without For a Week? Smartphones are a…</div> <div>Between coffee, alcohol, smartphone, or sex, If you had to choose one thing you couldn’t go without for a week what would it be? #radio94.7Rachael Burns</div> <div>Which would be easiest to give up for a week – Alcohol, Coffee, Sex, or Smartphone? Most people surveyed answered sex!~JDRodrigo Jaimes </div> <div>Sex or smartphone – which can you least live without for a week? This is depressing. Englehardt</div> <div>Women: Give up sex and caffeine before their iPhones…</div> <p>