Statement Regarding Passage of Amendment 1


Statement Regarding Passage of Amendment 1

Statement from Florida’s Water and Land Legacy Regarding Passage of Amendment 1

“Passage of Amendment 1, the Water and Land Conservation Amendment, is a historic victory for protection of Florida’s drinking water sources, the water quality of our rivers, lakes, and springs, and conservation of our state’s wildlife habitat, beaches, and natural areas. Floridians overwhelmingly voted Yes on Amendment 1, clearly showing that Florida voters understand the importance of water and land conservation to our state’s environment and to its economy. This should send a clear message to the Governor and Legislature that Florida voters overwhelmingly support increased state funding for water and land conservation, management, and restoration.”

“Winning Amendment 1 would not have been possible without the support of millions of Floridians.”

  • More than 4,000 volunteers worked to gather signatures for our petition and to educate voters about Amendment 1.
  • Over 400 diverse nonprofit and civic organizations and businesses endorsed Amendment 1, joining the campaign, endorsing Amendment 1.
  • Nearly 1 million Florida voters signed petitions to place Amendment 1 on the ballot.
  • More than 50,000 Floridians signed up to get involved in our Vote Yes on 1 campaign.
  • More than twenty editorial endorsements from Florida’s leading newspapers endorsing Amendment 1.
  • Over fifty respected elected officials at every level of government, Republican and Democrat alike endorsed Amendment 1.
  • Over 4,500 individuals contributed to our campaign.

“On behalf of our campaign, we especially want to thank each of the citizen volunteers from across the state who volunteered countless hours to raise awareness about the need to conserve Florida’s water and land. Florida is truly a unique and diverse state, and Amendment 1 will ensure that our clean water and natural areas are preserved for generations to come.”

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