The Taoist Tai Chi Society of the United States of America today announced that it has completed the purchase of the historic Fenway building in the Tampa Bay-area community of Dunedin, clearing the way for the Society to move forward with plans to restore the property and locate its National Headquarters there.
The Fenway site will provide a central destination for members of the charitable, religious organization, which has more than 6,000 participants across the United States. The new headquarters will maintain the historic architecture that has been the Fenway’s hallmark for almost a century. The cherished building will remain intact, with restoration to include facilities that can be used for community meetings and other public activities. Located at 453 Edgewater Drive, the Fenway will also become an international conference center for the Society, attracting thousands of guests to Pinellas County shops, restaurants, lodging facilities and tourist destinations.
“As a dedicated member of the Dunedin community for years, we understand the historical importance of the Fenway and the warmth and love people have for this magnificent property,” said Sean Dennison, Executive Director of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the United States of America. “The Taoist Tai Chi Society is committed to being an outstanding steward of this important piece of the community, which will be admired by thousands of visitors as they bring enthusiasm, vitality and economic activity to the area.”
The Taoist Tai Chi Society has been a respected member of the Dunedin community since 2004, when it began offering health-benefiting programs at Dunedin’s Hale Senior Activity Center. After a period of membership growth, it moved to a full-time facility at 1370 Main Street in 2010. The Fenway location will continue to serve local residents who now use the Main Street facility, while also providing ample space as a National Headquarters. The Society’s national operations are now run from a much smaller facility in Tallahassee, Florida.
The Society has affiliated organizations in 26 countries with more than 42,000 participants. Many of these participants will now travel to Dunedin to attend regular programs in the practice of Taoist arts, including Tai Chi, Lok Hup Ba Fa and meditation, as well as ceremonies to observe the Taoist calendar of festivals.
“One of the mottos of our organization is ‘All cultures moving together in harmony,’ and the Society is particularly happy to locate its National Headquarters in Dunedin, a city well-known for its multicultural appreciation,” said Pegoty Lopez Packman, a retired Pinellas County middle school principal and educator who serves as President of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of the United States of America.
The Taoist Tai Chi Society has a long history of community service. People of all ages and abilities are welcomed to participate and benefit from the Taoist arts programs. Many Dunedin residents are excited about the opportunity to share the benefits of Taoist Tai Chi with others locally and to welcome visitors from around the world attending programs at the historic Fenway building.
Roseann Merriam, a Dunedin resident and volunteer with the Dunedin Historic Museum who suffers from a disorder of the nervous system that causes multiple issues with mobility, said, “I entered the Dunedin Taoist Tai Chi Society location four short years ago with the intention of avoiding the need to use motorized assistance to get around. I have received more than I ever hoped. I walk straighter, and in fact I am taller. I have improved my self-confidence to the point where I can help others achieve these benefits as well.”